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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Peoples......

The annual Architecture and Design Student Showcase is coming up at school and this year, I had the brilliant idea to apply for the position as showcase coordinator. I don't know what I was thinking but I am determined to make it work.

So, I thought and thought and thought and thought about what I would put in the showcase. I had this brilliant idea (no, this time I mean it) to showcase what I would like to be as an architect and I decided to design and present an idea that could be developed.

I am toying with two ideas.
They are both slated for Lagos i.e the sites I will use, will be Lagos based.

Option1: A four units of 4 3-bedroom flats turned on an interior courtyard.

Option 2: A multi-purpose hall to be used for all kinds of events and ceremonies.

Concept: Designs that can be built now and will have commercial returns...

Vote now!!!!


Queen of My Castle said...

I think I am digging Option 1, but they are all great ideas. BTW, congrats, Ms. Coordinator

Unknown said...

option 1 ---> happy new year...

Is this the blog I am more familiar with...

Atutupoyoyo said...

Option 2 if you ask me. In the right location the hall would pay for itself ten times over.

I can't leave without commenting on the revamp. I like.

ababoypart2 said...

Happy New Year - option 1

Anonymous said...

hey cat,
Is the new 'logo' (grey structure) one of your designs?

Would b an intresting commercial bldg

diary of a G said...

1 sounds to have more commercial returns

sup big little young sista?

Toochi said...

option 1 it is:)

Ms. Catwalq said...

Ibilola: No, it is the Burj Al Arab, reputed to ne the world's most expensive hotel and situated in Dubai

Option 1 it is cos it will be the quickest for me to do
Atutu: Option II is my thesis